
The granule formulation offers you the same benefits as the liquid you know and trust, such as:

  • Season long control
  • Exemption from poison scheduling
  • High turf safety and low environmental impact
  • A flexible option for tight or difficult to access turf areas such as schools, passive parks and around trees and other obstacles
  • Ease of use with no spray equipment, no re-entry periods and no PPE requirements
  • Ease of activation with a minimum of 3mm irrigation
Category: Product ID: 5135


Acelepryn insecticide provides unmatched, season-long grub and caterpillar control in a single application. It is now available in a convenient and flexible granule formulation – Acelepryn GR. The efficiency and longevity of Acelepryn’s performance means your turf is protected for longer and because it is exempt from poison scheduling, PPE requirements for workers are reduced.

This new no-spray option means ease of use and minimal disruption to the community. Acelepryn GR controls a wide range of insect pests including African Black Beetle, Argentinian Scarab, Billbugs and several species of caterpillars including Cutworm, Sod Webworm and Lawn Armyworm. Acelepryn GR insecticide sets a new standard in long lasting, efficient control of turf pests.

Additional information

Weight 4 kg

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177 Moylan Rd Wattleup, WA 6166
(08) 9410 1426 or (08) 9410 0253
Winter hours - Mon - Fri 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Saturday By Appointment

Please note: PICK-UPS on a Saturday morning need to be pre-paid for.

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