Bi-AGRA Water Retainer

Bi-AGRA Water Retainer


Bi-Agra is a new technology to assist utilization and conservation of water. Moisture uptake and retention is enhanced around the rootzone, improving plant health and vigour. Research has shown it can retain up to 5 times the amount of water compared to untreated areas, which means that watering will be required less frequently and water will be saved. Bi-Agra is environmentally friendly. We recommend 2 applications through the summer months. Bi-Agra will treat 150m2.

Used in conjunction with Aqua Force, your lawn will be able to survive with current water restrictions.

Category: Product ID: 4201

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2L – 150m2


Get in Touch

177 Moylan Rd Wattleup, WA 6166
(08) 9410 1426 or (08) 9410 0253
Winter hours - Mon - Fri 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Saturday By Appointment

Please note: PICK-UPS on a Saturday morning need to be pre-paid for.

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